Package com.cassinidivision.oce.rendering

The OCE core rendering functionality, templates, components and exceptions.


Interface Summary
PageExpiringSession Interface intended to be implemented by WOSession subclasses implementing static page expiry mechanisms.
PersistentSession Interface to be implemented by WOSession subclasses for handling persistent storage mechanisms.
RenderingSession WOSession subclasses that render OCE content in WebObjects applications should implement this interface.

Class Summary
FeatureHandlingError A top-level WebObjects component for reporting errors during the rendering of features/pages.
InvalidateOnly Top-level WO component for producing responses for content invalidation requests.
OCE_Feature The default OCE URL handling class, that utilizes the default OCE navigation framework for the purposes of rendering content.
OCEApplication A default WOApplication subclass for OCE rendering applications.
OCEDirectAction Implements a number of direct action entry points into the OCE rendering system.
OCEFeatureTemplate The default top-level template for rendering OCE feature pages.
OCESession Provides extended session functionality, including persistent session storage handling.
RenderingHelper A collection of convenience utilities for retrieving rendering context information from the current session.
ResponseHeaderKeys OCE HTTP response header key definitions.
SiteTemplateHolder A template responsible for rendering the site-wide (common) portions of a page around the rendered page-specific components.
URLParser Class for parsing URLs and extracting OCE rendering information.

Exception Summary
RenderingException An exception class for reporting critical rendering problems.
RequestNotFoundException Exception class to be thrown for all HTTP requests referring to nonexistent locations in the OCE URL navigation space.

Package com.cassinidivision.oce.rendering Description

The OCE core rendering functionality, templates, components and exceptions.

The default OCE navigation system is used.